Senin, 17 Maret 2014

Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Kebudayaan

hihi baru sempet ngpost lagi nih, skg gue mau share pidato b.inggris gue nih yang waktu taun kemaren jadi juara 1 dong yeyeye (etdah so pamer gini) yooo cekidot ..

Assalamualaikum wr. Wb.
Honorable all teachers and all my friends in this best school.

First of all, lets thanks into ALLAH SWT who has been giving us some mercies and blessings until we can attend in this happy place without any troubles and obstacles.
            Secondly, may peace and salutation always be given to our prophet MUHAMMAD SAW. Who has guided us from the darkness to the brightness from the stupidity to the cleverness, from jahilia era to the islamiah era namely islamic religion that we love. So by his guidiance we are able to differentiate the good thing and the bad one, the right way and the wrong one in order to enter god’s paradise.
            Thirdly, i dont forget to say thanks so much to the MC (master/mistrees of Ceremony) who has giving me time to speech in front of audience. And in this good occasion, I would like to give my speech under the tittle of Save Our Culture.

           First, I will explain about the meaning of culture. Do you know the meaning of culture? Culture means life method which grow up on the society area which heir by generations to generations.
As we know Indonesia is a big nation has abundant natural resources. and has more than 17 thousand islands. and each island has their own culture, such as music, language, traditional dance, cuisine. Along with the development of time, a passion for preserving culture is fading. Why? because of the advancement of science and technology, the impact of globalization, lack of awareness, there is no love for own nation.

Now that many teenagers are affected by globalization, because teenagers is very dependent by their mobile phones, internet, television. For example, the teenagers when getting out of bed just looking for handphone for look notification from twitter, facebook, BBM, or message from someone special maybe, and it's true right? And now Indonesian teenagers love modern music, which brought by foreign cultures. And they forgot Indonesian traditional music, one by one and step by step. And, Can’t you see that? Foreign culture almost changes all about Indonesian’s life style too, from 3f, Food Fun and Fashion.

Food, many kinds of food outside, a little get rid of the native foods area with modern food like spaghetti, burgers, salads and more. and then fun and fashion. trend nowadays a lot of clothes, and modern places popping up. such as the Mall, Bar, Disco. Places like that much-loved and visited by many teenagers and even parents too visit that place. Also follow the trend of the clothes. is like wore tight clothes, hotpants, semi-finished clothes, and so on. it is very very not worth for our nation that upholds modesty.

So how to solve this problem? Yes that’s right! we must be clever to filter which one the good and bad foreign cultures. But, we also SHOULD NOT forget Indonesian cultures too. Because if it continues to happen, the younger generation of Indonesian nation will disability of culture. so we have to increase our love for our culture. and we have to preserve this culture from extinction. therefore, let us as young generation, we keep it. we preserve our culture. our hallmark. and we introduce our culture to the world. this our nation, Indonesian, a great nation with culturally diverse.

Thats all my speech, I hope my speech will be usefull in our life in this world and the here after. The last I say Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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